Validate EDI

Validate EDI (XML, Edifact and Ansi X12)  



  • Multiupload
    • No data is stored on the server
    • MIME type is detected based on file content
      • It is possible to upload without file extensiom
      • All other files than text (edifact / ansi x12) or xml are skipped / not supported
  • Validate structure (eg schema validation)
  • Validate business logic (eg schematron validation)
  • XSLT Styling, readable document in HTML
  • Calculate content and compare with values in eg an invoice


Current task

  • Scoped the project, only a few XML and EDIFACT versions will be implemented
    • OIOUBL (danish adaption of the UBL standard)
    • Peppol BIS
    • Standard eg EDIFACT D96 are considere in a limited version as a start as a proof of concept
    • cXML and xCBL are a possibility
  • Store validation classes / objects in memory cache to use on subsequent requests
  • XSLT transformations uses SaxonHE
    • All stylesheet versions are supported
    • Included stylesheets or XML documents are supported
  • Documentation of source code (XML documentation)
    • SandCastle is used to generate HTML or MD documents
    • Add content documentation to source code


  •  WIP
    • Jun 23: Only local test / development atm, date for a first beta release not estimated
    • Oct 23: Slow process with local test / development, getting closer to a beta release 
    • Dec 23: Testing, prepare for release on VPS with Ubuntu
    • Jan 14: Project running on VirtualBox / Ubuntu 23.10 / NET 8
      • NGINX as Reverse Proxy in fron of Kestrel web server
    • Jan 14: Test memory usage to validate 8 Gb mem limit
    • Jan 23: Released on
      • VPS with 2 CPU, 8 Gb mem running Ubuntu 23.10 server and .NET 8
    • Feb 07: Small adjustment, preparation for xCBL and cXML validation, About page added

To do list for project: 


Use local postman for testing?

Unit test

Check for vulnerability

GDPR (mostly done)

Information or questions: Please contact plykkegaard at gmail dot com

Create Ext.NET CRUD in code behind

Please note: This code sample was created and tested using Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1.

A slightly more comples example with command button to insert, edit and delete rows, taken from Gridpanel -> Saving Variations -> Httphandler

The NorthwindDataContext and other needed classes can be fetched from the download section at Ext.NET:
Add a new project (Ext.Net.Examples) to your solution and add the classes you need to the project. Northwind and SerializableEntity can be found in the Code folder

I have created some functions to illustrate how the code can be organized when working in code behind. Columns and type of editor to use should be stored in configuration files or a tables but for this example everything is fixed/hardcoded values

Problem with generic handler

There is a minor problem with generic handler: SuppliersSave
Find this code

// --
StoreResponseData sr = new StoreResponseData()

And replace with this

// --
// We need to intialize the StoreResponseData otherwise an exception is thrown
StoreResponseData sr = new StoreResponseData()
    Data = JSON.Serialize(string.Empty),
    Message = string.Empty,
    Success = true,
    Total = 0


Also please note that the notwinddatacontext classes has joins between tables and as a consequence a lot of tables is loaded when quering the suppliers table from linq
I deleted the joins in order to test the code below but a less drastic approach is proabably the better 



<!-- -->
<%@ Page Language="C#" 
    Inherits="dk.looksharp.crud._default" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
<!DOCTYPE html />

<head id="head" runat="server">
    <title>The CRUD Example</title>
    <link href="/resources/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />    
    <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />



// --
using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;

using ext = Ext.Net;

namespace dk.looksharp.crud
    public partial class _default : System.Web.UI.Page

        protected ext.Column BuildColumn(string dataIndex, string columnLabel)
            return BuildColumn(dataIndex, columnLabel, 0);

        protected ext.Column BuildColumn(string dataIndex, string columnLabel, int flex)
            return new ext.Column
                ID = string.Format("col{0}", dataIndex),
                DataIndex = dataIndex,
                Text = columnLabel,
                Flex = flex,
                Editor =
                    new ext.TextField()
                        ID = string.Format("txt{0}", dataIndex),

        protected ext.Model BuildModel()
            return new ext.Model()
                ID = "model",
                IDProperty = "SupplierID",
                Fields = 
                    new ext.ModelField("SupplierID"),
                    new ext.ModelField("CompanyName"),
                    new ext.ModelField("ContactName"),
                    new ext.ModelField("ContactTitle"),
                    new ext.ModelField("Address"),
                    new ext.ModelField("City"),
                    new ext.ModelField("Region"),
                    new ext.ModelField("PostalCode"),
                    new ext.ModelField("Country"),
                    new ext.ModelField("Phone"),
                    new ext.ModelField("Fax")

        protected ext.Store BuildStore()
            return new ext.Store()
                ID = "store",
                Proxy =
                    new  ext.AjaxProxy()
                        Url = "SuppliersSave.ashx",
                        Reader = {
                            new ext.JsonReader()
                                SuccessProperty = "success", 
                                MessageProperty = "message"
                        Writer = 
                            new ext.JsonWriter()
                                Encode = true, 
                SyncParameters = 
                    new ext.StoreParameter()
                        Name = "action" ,
                        Value = "operation.action",
                        Mode = ext.ParameterMode.Raw
                Model =
                Sorters =
                    new ext.DataSorter()
                        Property = "CompanyName",
                        Direction = ext.SortDirection.ASC
                Listeners =
                    Write =
                        Handler = "Ext.Msg.alert('Success', 'The suppliers have been saved');"

        protected ext.Panel BuildTopPanel()
            return new ext.Panel()

                ID = "panel", 
                Region = ext.Region.North,
                Border = false,
                Height = 120,
                BodyPadding = 6,
                Html = "<h1>CRUD Grid Example</h1>" +
                    "<p>Demonstrates how to get data from HttpHandler and save using HttpHandler.</p>"

        protected ext.GridPanel BuildCrudPanel()
            return new ext.GridPanel()
                ID = "gridPanel",
                Region = ext.Region.Center,
                Title = "Suppliers",
                Icon = ext.Icon.Lorry,
                Frame = true,
                Store =  
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns = 
                        BuildColumn("CompanyName", "Company Name", 1), 
                        BuildColumn("ContactName", "Contact Name"),
                        BuildColumn("ContactTitle", "Contact Title"),
                        BuildColumn("Address", "Address"),
                        BuildColumn("City", "City"),
                        BuildColumn("Region", "Region"),
                        BuildColumn("PostalCode", "Postal Code"),
                        BuildColumn("Country", "Country"),
                        BuildColumn("Phone", "Phone"),
                        BuildColumn("Fax", "Fax")
                SelectionModel = 
                    new ext.RowSelectionModel()
                        ID = "rowSelectionModel", 
                        Mode = ext.SelectionMode.Multi,
                        Listeners = 
                            Select = 
                                Handler = "#{btnDelete}.enable();"
                            Deselect =
                                Handler = "if (!#{gridPanel}.selModel.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
                Plugins =
                    new ext.CellEditing()
                        ID = "cellEditing" 
                Buttons = 
                    new ext.Button()
                        ID = "btnAdd",
                        Text = "Insert",
                        Icon = ext.Icon.Add,
                        Listeners =
                            Click =
                                Handler = "#{store}.insert(0, {}); #{gridPanel}.editingPlugin.startEditByPosition({row:0, column:0});"
                    new ext.Button()
                        ID = "btnDelete",
                        Text = "Delete",
                        Icon = ext.Icon.Delete,
                        Disabled = true,
                        Listeners =
                            Click = 
                                Handler="#{gridPanel}.deleteSelected();if (!#{gridPanel}.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
                    new ext.Button()
                        ID = "btnSave", 
                        Text = "Save",
                        Icon = ext.Icon.Disk,
                        Listeners =
                            Click =
                                Handler = "#{store}.sync();"
                    new ext.Button()
                        ID ="btnCancel",
                        Text = "Clear",
                        Icon = ext.Icon.Cancel,
                        Listeners = 
                            Click = 
                                Handler = "#{gridPanel}.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();;if (!#{gridPanel}.hasSelection()) {#{btnDelete}.disable();}"
                    new ext.Button()
                        ID = "btnRefresh",
                        Text = "Refresh",
                        Icon = ext.Icon.ArrowRefresh,
                        Listeners =
                            Click = 

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

                new ext.Viewport()
                    Layout = "BorderLayout",
                    Items = 

Create Ext.NET GridPanel in codebehind

Please note: This code sample was created and tested using Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1.

Quite a few requests in the Ext.NET community forums is on how to use the framework in codebehind

I have thrown together a small example based on the example GridPanel -> DataSource Controls -> SqlDataSource using the employee table in the Microsoft Northwind example database to feed the content

The c# code is taken almost directly from the markup coding in the example above

(NB! the code is tested using Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1)


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" 
    Inherits="dk.looksharp.dbview._default" %>
<%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>

    "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="">
<head id="head" runat="server">

    <style type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
        .x-grid-cell-fullName .x-grid-cell-inner {
            font-family : tahoma, verdana;
            display     : block;
            font-weight : normal;
            font-style  : normal;
            color       : #385F95;
            white-space : normal;
        .x-grid-rowbody div {
            margin : 2px 5px 20px 5px !important;
            width  : 99%;
            color  : Gray;
        .x-grid-row-expanded td.x-grid-cell{

    <form id="form" runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager id="resourceManager" runat="server" Theme="Gray" />



using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;

using ext = Ext.Net;

namespace dk.looksharp.dbview
    public partial class _default : System.Web.UI.Page

        string _dataSourceId = "SqlDataSource";
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private SqlDataSource BuildDataSource()
            string _selectStatement = 
                "SELECT " +
                    "[EmployeeID],  " +
                    "[LastName],  " +
                    "[FirstName],  " +
                    "[Title],  " +
                    "[TitleOfCourtesy],  " +
                    "[BirthDate],  " +
                    "[HireDate],  " +
                    "[Address],  " +
                    "[City],  " +
                    "[Region],  " +
                    "[PostalCode],  " +
                    "[Country],  " +
                    "[HomePhone],  " +
                    "[Extension],  " +
                    "[Notes]  " +   
                "FROM [Employees]";

            return new SqlDataSource
                ID = _dataSourceId,
                ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Northwind"].ToString(),
                SelectCommand = _selectStatement


        private ext.GridPanel BuildGridPanel()
            return new ext.GridPanel
                Border = true,
                Store =  
                SelectionModel = 
                    new ext.RowSelectionModel() { Mode = ext.SelectionMode.Single }
                ColumnModel =
                    Columns =
                        new ext.Column 
                            Text="Full Name",
                            // <Renderer Fn="fullName

                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                            Text="Title Of Courtesy",
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                        new ext.Column 
                View =
                   new ext.GridView()
                        StripeRows = true,
                        TrackOver = true 

        private ext.Store BuildStore()
            ext.Store store = new ext.Store
                ID = "store", // <-- ID is Required
                Model = 
                    new ext.Model 
                        Fields = 
                            new ext.ModelField("FirstName"),
                            new ext.ModelField("LastName"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Title"),
                            new ext.ModelField("TitleOfCourtesy"),
                            new ext.ModelField("BirthDate", ext.ModelFieldType.Date, "M/d hh:mmtt"),
                            new ext.ModelField("HireDate", ext.ModelFieldType.Date, "M/d hh:mmtt"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Address"),
                            new ext.ModelField("City"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Region"),
                            new ext.ModelField("PostalCode"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Country"),
                            new ext.ModelField("HomePhone"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Extension"),
                            new ext.ModelField("Notes"),
                            new ext.ModelField("company")

            store.DataSourceID = this._dataSourceId;

            return store;

Create Ext.NET objects in codebehind

Please note: This code sample was created and tested using Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1.

For the last couple of years I have been using Ext.NET for intranet applications used by our team. The oldest application is a tableeditor in which we can quickly edit customization parameters for our integration solution based on Biztalk 2006 R2

In this article I will present a small example on how to work with Ext.NET in codebehind and this will also be the foundation for future articles where I will end up with a full blown table editor

I will use Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 4.x and Ext.NET 2.0 Beta. Data/content is stored on SQL Server 2005 

Use nuget in VS to download Ext.NET and related components, You also need to install MVC even if you do not intend to use it as Ext.NET uses some of the classes from MVC (no known workaround)

The code below is a tranformed version taken from the demo pages at Ext.NET
Direct link:

Documentation from an older version of Ext.NET can be found here: 

(NB! the code is tested on Ext.NET 2.0 Beta 1)

In case you need a C# to VB conversions please use eg  

the page with markup (default.aspx)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" 
    Inherits="dk.looksharp.dbview._default" %>
<%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>

    "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="">
<head id="head" runat="server">
    <form id="form" runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager id="resourceManager" runat="server" Theme="Gray" />


Codebehind (default.aspx.cs)

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using ext = Ext.Net;
using ux = Ext.Net.Utilities;

namespace dk.looksharp.dbview
    public partial class _default : System.Web.UI.Page
        private int _portletId = 1;

        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            // Viewport
            ext.Viewport _viewport = new ext.Viewport
                Layout = "BorderLayout",
                StyleSpec = "backgroundColor: transparent;",
                Items = 

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!ext.X.IsAjaxRequest)
                // Load portlet content
string text = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna."; this.resourceManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock("text", string.Format("var text=\"{0}\";", text)); foreach (ext.Portlet portlet in ux.ControlUtils.FindControls<ext.Portlet>(this.Page)) { portlet.Html = "={text}"; portlet.BodyPadding = 5; portlet.CloseAction = ext.CloseAction.Hide; } } } private ext.Panel CreateAccordion() { // Accordion / West Region ext.Panel _accordion = new ext.Panel { Region = ext.Region.West, Title = "West", Width = Unit.Pixel(200), Layout = ext.LayoutType.Accordion.ToString(), MinWidth = 175, MaxWidth = 400, Split = true, Margins = new ext.Margins(5, 0, 5, 5).ToString(), Collapsible = true, Items = { new ext.Panel { Title = "Navigation", BodyBorder = 0, BodyStyle = "padding:6px;", Icon = ext.Icon.FolderGo, Html = "={text}" }, new ext.Panel { Title = "Settings", BodyBorder = 0, BodyStyle = "padding:6px;", Icon = ext.Icon.FolderWrench, Html = "={text}" } } }; return _accordion; } private ext.TabPanel CreateTabPanel() { ext.TabPanel _panel = new ext.TabPanel { Title = "Tab Panel", ActiveTabIndex = 0, Region = ext.Region.Center, Margins = new ext.Margins(5, 2, 5, 0).ToString(), Items = { CreatePortalPanel("Tab 1"), CreatePortalPanel("Tab 2") } }; return _panel; } private ext.Panel CreatePortalPanel(string title) { ext.Portal _portal = new ext.Portal { Border = false }; ext.PortalColumn _column = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { _portletId++; ext.Portlet _portlet = new ext.Portlet { ID = string.Format("Portlet{0}", _portletId), Title = string.Format("Panel {0}", _portletId), Icon = ext.Icon.Accept }; _column = new ext.PortalColumn { CellCls = "x-column-padding", Items = { _portlet } }; _portal.Items.Add(_column); } ext.Panel _panel = new ext.Panel { Title = title, Layout = ext.LayoutType.Fit.ToString(), Items = { _portal } }; return _panel; } } }