An utility to add leading zeros up to given length to a numeric string
Please note Alphanumeric string will be left untouched
A procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
It will extend your library for string handling
/* -----------------------------
Peter Lykkegaard, 22 mar 2019
value$: String to prefix with zeros
Num%: Number of characters, length of string after prefixzing
If the parameter value is a numeric value and
the length of the string does not exceed length of the value
if (isNumeric(value$) && len(value$) < num%)
copy lfill(value$, "0", num%) to value$;
Split text on right most space before limit is reached
Use to split text on several lines in receiving document, eg edifact LIN-IMD-C273 has several 7008 text element
// -----------------------------
// Peter Lykkegaard, 22 mar 2019
// -----------------------------
// Split long note on right most space before limit is reached
// TODO! Check parameters if they are of valid type/content
// Name: splitNoteBySpace
// Description: Method to split a given string by latest space before length limit
// Parameters
// input$, alphanumerical / String which needs to be split
// max$, alphanumerical / Max characters on each line
// Output, alphanumeric / array / Array of strings to return
local lvOutput$[];
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
String input = _StrVar_PINPUT.getString();
int max = (int)_NumVar_PMAX.getNum();
int len = input.length();
String regex = "(.{1," + max + "})(?:\\s|$)";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
_StrVar_LVOUTPUT.getJuVar(0, 2).setString(input);
if (len > max)
int idx = 0; // Entries in output
while (matcher.find()) {
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
_StrVar_LVOUTPUT.getJuVar(idx, 2).setString(;
Edit IDOC document properties
Once the IDOC definition is imported in the Mapping Designer make sure to set Max Occurences on the document root (DC1)
Use unlimited (-1) or 9999
- IDOCs are send from SAP to a queue with append
- File is read and mapped to edifact
- Header is set in New Mapping and footer in Mapping End
An utility to retrieve current year
This is a procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
/* -----------------------------
Peter Lykkegaard, 25 apr 2023
procedure getUUID
Get ramdom UUID
----------------------------- */
import java.util.UUID;
An utility to decode or unescape HTML characters in XML (EDI) documents
This is a procedure to use in Seeburger BIC Mapping Designer
It will extend your library for string handling
/* -----------------------------
Peter Lykkegaard, 25 apr 2023
procedure unescapeHTML
Source / String, alphanumeric
String, alphanumericString
Adapted from How to Unescape HTML in Java using Plain Java
----------------------------- */
local lvOutput$;
import java.util.HashMap;
// Save source in case changes are not needed
copy pSource$ to lvOutput$;
// Check for any ampersand / & character
if (containsSubstring(pSource$, "&") != 0)
if (containsSubstring(pSource$, "&") != 0)
// HTML decode ampersand / &
copy replaceAll(pSource$, "&", "&") to pSource$;
int i, j;
boolean continueLoop;
int skip = 0;
HashMap<String, String> htmlEntities = new HashMap<String, String>();
htmlEntities.put("<", "<");
htmlEntities.put(">", ">");
htmlEntities.put("&", "&");
htmlEntities.put(""", "\"");
htmlEntities.put(" ", " ");
htmlEntities.put("©", "\u00a9");
htmlEntities.put("®", "\u00ae");
htmlEntities.put("€", "\u20a0");
htmlEntities.put("Å", "Å");
htmlEntities.put("Æ", "Æ");
htmlEntities.put("Ø", "Ø");
htmlEntities.put("å", "å");
htmlEntities.put("æ", "æ");
htmlEntities.put("ø", "ø");
String source = _StrVar_PSOURCE.getString();
do {
continueLoop = false;
i = source.indexOf("&", skip);
if (i > -1) {
j = source.indexOf(";", i);
if (j > i) {
String entityToLookFor = source.substring(i, j + 1);
String value = (String) htmlEntities.get(entityToLookFor);
if (value != null) {
source = source.substring(0, i) + value + source.substring(j + 1);
continueLoop = true;
} else if (value == null) {
skip = i + 1;
continueLoop = true;
} while (continueLoop);